My personal projects have always covered the areas software engineering
that didn't get to touch in my professional experience.
For example I first learned React exclusively through my own projects to fill
a hole in my knowledge (and because they internet told me it was better than
This has also led me to learn React Native as a better way of making mobile
apps from my Android Java origins.
Finally my interest in meta-frameworks and what is at the forefront of web
development persuaded to make this website with the AHA stack.
Crafting a Beautiful Portfolio: My Journey with Next.js, Styled Components, and CSS Grid
My first project for a friend making things look pretty with CSS grid and lessons learned on tech choices.
Gym Booking App
Merging two of my passions by making the CrossFit gym booking app the world needs.
Netball Club Website
The tech equivalent of a pro bono for my mum's netaball team featuring some elementary Next.js
Rapid Budgeting App
Solving every graduates financial problems by learning React state management (hell).